ホーム  →  新着情報  →  【サポートデスク】英語プレゼンテーションセミナー受講生募集について


 マルチリンガル・エキスパート養成プログラム(MLE)Academic English Support Deskでは、大阪大学に所属する大学院生および若手研究者を対象に、国際的な場面で通用する英語発信能力の強化を目標とする集中講座を開講します。全9回からなる本講座では、英語プレゼンテーションの基礎から応用まで、各回で異なる内容が扱われます。ご都合のよい回だけ、1回からの受講が可能です。指導経験豊かなネイティブ・インストラクターとともに、この機会に国際学会での発表に向けた英語プレゼンテーション・スキルの向上を目指してみませんか。受講希望者は募集要項を確認の上、所定の申請書をMLEまでお送りください。

1. 受講資格  大阪大学に所属する大学院生および若手研究者

2. 開講日時  平成29年3月21日(火)、22日(水)、23日(木)、24日(金)、27日(月)、28日(火)、29日(水)、30日(木)、31日(金)の 各日14:40~17:50(※4限・5限の時間帯)

3. 定員     20名程度(※定員に達し次第に募集終了)

4. 実施場所  吹田キャンパス 最先端医療イノベーションセンター棟3階 演習室3(※3月23日・28日のみ演習室1・2)

5. 申請期限  3月3日(金)17:00(※必着)

6. 申込方法  所定の受講申請書ファイルに必要事項を記入の上、multilingual@lang.osaka-u.ac.jpまでメール添付にて提出。(※担当者からの受取確認の返信をもって、受講申請の受理とします。)

Students are expected to prepare and hold a presentation with clear and, powerful and understandable visual aids on an academic topic utilizing presentation skills such as proper opening, transitions, conclusion and mastering the Q&A session. The course is devoted to preparing students to develop and strengthen their skills for academic presentations with effective design and structure. Key presentation skills will be introduced and practiced. Further emphasis will be given to develop English communication skills in academic settings, expansion of vocabulary and terminology relevant to each student's research area.




Lesson 1

(March 21)

Introduction to academic presentations

Overview and Expectations: Introduction techniques using "A-B-C-D" Methodology, Simple phrases to start and end your presentation, common problems, signposting and pausing. Listening skills and performance diary.

Lesson 2

(March 22)


Stating your purpose 1-2

Don't waste time on long boring presentations. It is essential to state the purpose of your presentation near the beginning. Get straight to the point by using simple presentation verbs.

Lesson 3

(March 23)

The presentation journey.

Engage with the audience

Four steps to open presentations, 'Who', 'Why', 'What' or 'How'. Learn what types of benefits are common and find your voice. Learn how to engage your audience through body language, gestures, and eye contact.

Lesson 4

(March 24)

Effective Openings

Learn how to start with confidence. Give the audience a problem to think about. Give them some amazing facts. Give them a story or anecdote.

Lesson 5

(March 27)

Signposting &

Connecting words

How to build a clear presentation structure through simple phrases as 'Signposts' or 'Connecting Words' to guide the audience through your presentation.

Lesson 6

(March 28)

Review expressions and preparing for questions

Review expressions (Introduction, Signpost, Connecting words, describing visual aids, and conclusion). Learn how to interact with your audience using targeted questions. Learn how to prepare, control, field and answer questions. Survival Tactics for simple mistakes.

Lesson 7

(March 29)


Practice in small groups giving presentations on selected short topics using the skills learned thus far.

Lesson 8

(March 30)

Make your final message clear

Learn how to finish strongly by slowing down and lowering your voice. Summarize and conclude with a take home message. Do you make recommendations? Give information? Motivate? Inspire? Give a call for action? Persuade?

Lesson 9

(March 31)

Final Presentation

Individual presentations with constructive feedback from instructor and peers.

Neville Greening (ネヴィル・グリーニング) (MA, University of Liverpool in International Business Communication System)


・MLEのAcademic English Support Deskでは、平成27年度からチュートリアルを担当。


